Travel: Wild Asparagus Fair. Burguillos del Cerro, Spain.
Since 2016, the town of Burguillos del Cerro in Extremadura, Spain, celebrates its annual Wild Asparagus Fair and this year, in 2024, it’s being held on April 19, 20 and 21. Three days of events ranging from cultural and history talks to asparagus recipe contests, hiking for wild asparagus to music and dancing in the town square. You can visit the myriad of stands that sell assorted traditional delicacies, all offering samples. This beautiful peaceful medieval town is ovedrlooked by its spectacular castle which dates back to when the Moors inhabited the Iberian Peninsula and was subsequently conquered and expanded by the Knights Templar during the reconquest of Spain by the Christians.
The hiking group I was going with met early in the morning in a town square from where we set off for a 15 km hike in search of wild asparagus.
Over a Roman bridge which over the centuries has had to be up-kept.
Stopping to inspect the asparagus plant to see if there are any asparagus. The plant is a prickly one so you have to be careful when you reach in to pull out the asparagus. Notice the asparagus in this woman’s hand.
Pulling out an asparagus. It’s a very popular passtime to go out and find this succulent vegtable. Entire families make it a passtime.
“Here, you can have it”. In the Spring arounf March or April right after it rains is the time to go out for asparagus.
The route basically circled around the town of Burguillos del Cerro and its castle which was visible 90% of the time.
Walking by an abandoned building.
The views are beautiful. The route was not difficult at all.
Found another one!
North of Burguillos del Cerro is a reservoir surrounded by farmland. A young bull seems perplexed by all the pedestrian activity.
The ever present castle which is open literally 24/7. There are no fees or doors but it’s a steep climb to get there. Well worth the view. You can see more of the castle here (slides 4, 14 and 20)
More curious livestock.
A medieval bridge guides us back to town.
Back to the square from where we started that morning.
A view of the park from the arches of the church and onto the stands to sample some traditional culinary delights.
Due to Portugal’s proximity to Burguillos del Cerro, many Portuguese come to the fair to sell their products.
This region is famous for its quality pork products. Chorizo, morcilla, salchichon, morcon, etc….. Delicious all!
More cheeses, these from Burguillos del Cerro. You can find sheep, goat and cow cheeses and mixes of all of these.
The king of them all: Ham or Jamon Iberico de bellota.
A good ham will just about melt in your mouth.
The star of the fair: Wild asparagus.
The Knights Templar cross. There are also prehistoric remains such as dolmens.