Storytelling photography used to sell products.
A creative off the wall story has a way of staying in the mind of a consumer raising the possibility of your product being sold. Photography storytelling and digital marketing go hand in hand. A story takes the viewer on a journey leading up to the product being presented as a solution to a problem. So, with that in mind what do a message in a bottle and cat food have in common? Let’s find out!
The reader's interest is captured by the washed up bottle that has a message in it! The background is a soft warm sunset at a beach.
The reader's interest grows as we now see in the background, a woman walking on the beach. Will she see the message in the bottle?
She gets closer but she still hasn't seen it.
She’s seen it! The excitement and expectation grows as she gets closer.
She bends over to pick it up. The warm glow from the lantern illuminates the bottle.
At this point any message can be introduced. In my original story I chose to thicken the mystery. There are two messages. One on the left and one on the right that is partially erased from the effect of the sea. What could it have said? And what's that key for?

Something she read in the message has made her embark on a journey. Remember, we haven’t seen the entire message. Curiosity thickens as we wonder about this unseen message and what it could be.
The lighting let's us know that it's late in the day, she's been traveling a lot and is tired. Looking out of frame makes us ask, what is she looking at? Is she waiting for something? Where is she?
An abandoned train station! There's tension because it doesn't seem to be a very safe place. Will a train come? Any of these photos can be used to create a state of tension or a problem that our subject must overcome. The product is introduced and it solves this hurtle.
The train doesn't arrive and it's getting later. What will she do?
The train does come, but..... Now what? You can almost feel the anxiety and despair in her. We need that product to solve this issue!
Wandering into the abandoned train station she looks for a place to spend the night. Will she be safe?
She finds a bench and beds down for the night. Lost in her thoughts she falls asleep.
The next day she’s up at the crack of dawn and finally arrives at a town. Is this the end of her journey?
She finds a supermarket and enters to buy cat food. A complete 180º change to everything we've seen up to now. Could this be the product you want to sell or does this add to the story?
Her journey hasn’t finished as she continues into the night. She stops to rest outside a village we can see in the distance.
Walking down a street we get the impression that she's nearing the end of her journey.
The key that was in the bottle has reappeared. Will it open this door? Will we finally know the outcome?
Opening the door she finds a cat. This ties in with the cat food she was buying. Things are starting to fall into place.
Feeding the hungry little animal. If your product is cat food the package can appear in this image.
And here the mystery is revealed. Our castaway, marooned on some island in the middle of nowhere was more worried about feed his/her cat than being rescued. The part of the message that is erased was where the coordinates were for him/her to be found. Will he/she be rescued? We leave the story be continued